Game Jam entry for July 2024 Pirate software! 

You are a novice alchemist, trapped in a dangerous land! Find shadow runes that let you conjure spells to traverse obstacles, find secrets and dispatch enemies! There's more than one way to overcome any problem, so let your creative muscle shine! If you get stuck, try a new spell, maybe there lies the key! 

If you want a quick legend key for spells and enemies, you can find them in the GDD below (In Controls) !




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Awesome! I did get the Special Yellow Trophy Rune.

Something about the game was a little buggy for me. Some spells (wings) would require me to cast something in between each casting. I'm not sure why.

However, game works well. I think its a great prototype. The variability is sufficient for the length of the game, and if you were to push it more, I can definitely see you adding a few extra runes (level based, always 3?) I kept on trying to jump, instead of casting, so that took me a while to get used to.

It was a fun game.